Living in God’s Will: More Than Just Believing

Many Christians struggle with knowing if they are truly living according to God’s will. Simply believing in Jesus or knowing scripture doesn’t necessarily mean we’re following His plan for our lives.

What Does It Mean to Truly Follow God’s Will?

The story of Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8:9-17 provides important lessons about the difference between merely believing in Jesus versus truly living in His will. Simon was a man who practiced sorcery and amazed people with his tricks, claiming to have great power. When confronted with the true gospel, he believed and was baptized – but still missed the mark of truly living in God’s will.

Three Key Principles for Living in God’s Will

  1. Humility and Repentance

The first step is admitting we need God and humbly following Him. We must put aside our pride and truly get to know Him to understand His will. Simply knowing about God isn’t enough – we must develop a real relationship with Him.

  1. Living Spirit-Filled

We must receive and be guided by the Holy Spirit. Unlike worldly influences that can lead us astray, the Holy Spirit will never guide us against God’s will. When we live Spirit-filled lives, we may feel out of control, but we can trust we’re being led in the right direction.

  1. Doing What You Want

This may sound counterintuitive, but when we’ve accomplished the first two principles, our desires naturally align with God’s will. When our whole life is focused on pleasing God, we can’t make wrong decisions because our will has become aligned with His.

Why We Can’t Buy or Earn God’s Favor

Simon’s story teaches us that we cannot purchase or earn God’s gifts and favor. The Holy Spirit comes as a gift when God determines we’re ready to receive it. We must be prepared both to receive and properly steward His gifts. 

Life Application

This week, examine your relationship with God by asking yourself:

  1. Am I truly humble before God, or am I trying to maintain control?
  2. Have I fully repented and received the Holy Spirit’s guidance?
  3. Are my decisions aligned with God’s will or my own desires?

Challenge: Spend time each day this week in prayer, asking God to reveal areas where you’re trying to earn His favor rather than humbly receiving His gifts. Practice surrendering control and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide your decisions.

Remember: When we’re on our knees in prayer, we don’t have as far to fall when we make mistakes, and it’s easier to get back up and continue following God’s will.