"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." John Wesley
On-line Contributions
The on-line processor charges 3% +$.50/transaction for credit card transactions. For bank transfers, there is a 1% + $.50/transaction fee. You may choose to cover this fee over and above your contribution for the church to have full benefit of your contribution.
On-line Giving Guide
For more details on on-line giving, see the guide here

On-line Giving Portal
Automatic Bank Draft (Recurring Contributions)
All that is required is a signature, a voided check, and a form choosing the date for your monthly bank draft. Please contact the church office for more information on giving through a monthly bank draft at 731-427-4887 or email office@aldersgatejackson.com .
In Person
Offering is collected every Sunday during Worship. Children also participate in giving through putting money in the Angel Bank during Children's Time. The children's offering goes directly to Reelfoot Rural Ministries.