Adult Sunday School Classes
At Aldersgate, Sunday School is an opportunity to gather among our friends and discuss our faith, how it impacts our lives, and the lives of others through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Ignite Class
The Ignite class is our newest Sunday School class, comprised of younger adults, 20 years and older. There are rotating teachers who teach and facilitate discussions related to a variety of topics. The class starts at 10:00 AM on Sunday mornings.
Pathfinders Class
The Pathfinders Sunday School class is comprised of adults, 40 years +. They have rotating teachers and cover a variety of topics using books and class discussion.
Rainbow Class
The Rainbow class is for special needs adults. Becky Buckley and Betty Cherry rotate teaching a Sunday School lesson to the adults and are the contact people for this class.
Wisdom Seekers Class
The Wisdom Seekers Sunday School class is comprised of adults, age 50 +. They have rotating teachers and study a quarterly series called Adult Bible Studies. They have lecture and discussion.
Aldersgate adult classes also have social events and sponsor various missions for local and world communities.
Children & Youth Sunday School
If you have questions about our Children & Youth Sunday School classes, please contact our Children & Youth Team, led by Taylor Johnson.
Little Hearts Nursery 6 Weeks-3 Years
Feel free to drop off your little ones and know they are taken care of while you enjoy Sunday School. We have a variety of age-appropriate toys and videos. Our nursery workers are trained through the Ministry-Safe practices. Little Hearts meets on the Children’s Ministry hallway. Look for the Dutch Split Door.
Warm Hearts PreK- 2nd Grade
Our younger elementary age children are studying Old Testament Truth Trackers – Old Testament Heroes who sought after God. This Bible study comes with a range of questions and activities and is done during the Sunday School time. Our Sunday School volunteers are trained through Ministry-Safe practices. Warm Hearts meets on the Children’s Ministry hallway. This is also the same room as our children’s Church, which meets during the Worship Service.
Hearts on Fire 3rd – 5th Grade
Our upper elementary children are also studying Old Testament Truth Trackers. Questioning and activities are scaffolded to elicit a deeper level of thinking about these Old Testament Heroes who followed God. Our Sunday School Volunteers are trained through Ministry-Safe practices. Hearts on Fire meets on the Adult Ministries hallway right next to the restrooms.
Hearts of Fellowship 6th-12th Grades
Our youth are using a Bible study that accompanies the TV series The Chosen. We are excited about our new youth group and opportunities for fellowship throughout the year. Our Youth Volunteers are trained through the Ministry-Safe practices. The Youth Room is located downstairs. Students can use the stairs located at the end of the Children’s Ministry hallway.
Confirmation Class
Confirmation Class with Brother Chris will be scheduled as needed. Check the newsletter and Church Facebook Page for updates. Confirmation Class is an in-depth look at the Biblical truths of being a Christian and the history of Methodism.